Olive oil is one of the blessed oils mentioned in the Holy Quran, and because the olive tree is a perennial tree and has its place among people
Olive oil is one of the blessed oils
mentioned in the Holy Quran, and because the olive tree is a perennial tree and
has its place among people, the oil extracted from it has been used for women
and children since ancient times, and these uses facilitate birth. The
historian, Rabie Jabarin, refers to the uses of olive oil throughout history
for women in matters of pregnancy and childbirth as follows:
oil during pregnancy:
Pregnant women used olive oil during
pregnancy to avoid constipation.
Used to massage the nipple since the eighth
month, counterclockwise. This stimulates the uterus and adjusts hormones,
making it easier to give birth. This operation was carried out by the pregnant
woman herself, the midwife or any other old woman .
In the eighth month, the area between the
anus and the vagina is massaged with olive oil in order to exercise the muscles
to stretch.
olive oil at birth:
Once the release or discharge has occurred,
an equal amount of olive oil is mixed with the ground pond, and the pond oil
can also be used.
The abdomen and back are massaged with this
The mixture can be heated for a better
The oil mixture with a pond opens the
uterus, and the pregnant woman will feel it.
Many births occurred half an hour after the
Pregnant women can add their feet in hot
water and thus facilitate delivery.
tips to facilitate childbirth
Women used the method of prostration in
prayer, and prolong prostration change the position of the fetus and ease of
Squatting on the floor is useful for
muscle training, which is the way villagers do farming and house chores since
ancient times. It is also useful to sit on a wooden base and lift your legs
Drink «castor oil drink» to clean the
intestines of the pregnant before birth, which helps to facilitate birth and
increase the incidence.